For many years, I’ve resisted speaking gigs. In fact, I’ve even taken a stance against conferences in the past.
I haven’t raised my hand for opportunities to be on stage and always preferred to stay in the background, working behind the scenes.
I recently read this in Glennon Doyle’s book Untamed, and it rang true for me in a big way:
“I am a sensitive, introverted woman, which means that I love humanity but actual human beings are tricky for me. I love people but not in person. For example, I would die for you but not, you for coffee. I became a writer so I could stay at home alone in my pajamas, reading and writing about the importance of human connection and community.”
Aside from introversion, the other reason I haven’t thrown my name in the hat for these opportunities is because public speaking made me NERVOUS.
Like: Can’t eat, can’t sleep for days before the thing nervous. I once was so nervous before a speaking gig that my shaky hands spilled steaming hot coffee all over my pants (thank God they were black.) Now my family refers to the nervous version of me as “ol’ coffee pants.” Sigh.
BUT! Last November, I was hired to present a 60-minute session (in person) to a marketing agency in New York. The topic was based around an article I’d written for Vogue Business, and they brought me in to dive deeper into the topic and facilitate a brainstorming session for a small group of their employees and clients.
Needless to say, it felt *very* grown-up and serious. So I went into my default mode and planned everything I could to eliminate stress-inducing anxiety.
I built out my slides and made notecards of my talking points.
I picked out the perfect outfit. And coat. And shoes. And accessories.
I booked at a hotel across the street and arrived the night before the event to eliminate travel friction.
All of this seemed to help, except for the part when I got to the airport and realized I didn’t have my driver’s license on me. I’d left it in a pants pocket back at home, 90+ minutes from the airport.
I was able to fly after waiting for an extra-thorough security check and an overnighted passport (thanks, Dad.) So…yeah. Close to covering all my bases to make things go smoothly, but not quite close enough.
Anyway: I made it there. I was the first speaker the next day, so I walked over early that morning (as in: I was there before the organizer was) and got my slides set up before hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes to collect myself.